John Edwards Is So Funny
So naturally Edwards is holding his book signing at Barnes & Noble instead of Wal-Mart. Which is too bad for his anti-low-wages campaign, because in Manchester Wal-Mart pays hourly employees more than Barnes & Noble does.
The Barnes & Noble where Edwards will hawk his book pays $7 an hour to start. The Wal-Mart that sits just yards away pays $7.50 an hour. [emphasis in original]
Not very surprising, really, as these anti-Walmart people (and liberals in general) have always been more about feelings than facts. They also pay attention only to wages, and not to the prices, which help out far more people on the lwoer end of the economic spectrum than Walmart employs. Walmart, by the way, pays more than the minimum wage at every location -- well, the federal one, at least; I can't speak with certainty as to the state ones. Of course, most anti-Walmart campaigners come from the higher end of the economic spectrum, including multi-millionaires like John Edwards, Michael Moore, et cetera.