Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Libby, Rove, Plame, Wilson, et cetera

Well, the investigation is over for all practical purposes (despite the impression the media has given at times). Rove was not indicted, though I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was. However, Libby was indicted on charges unrelated to the initial allegations. Wilson's charge that Rove outed his undercover wife to punish him (Wilson) for disproving part of the Bush administration's case for the war in Iraq is still wrong on virtually every count. Rove was not the mastermind behind anything of the sort. His wife was not undercover, as her cover had been blown in the 1990's (there's a difference between her employment being classified and her being undercover before anyone tries bringing that up). Wilson disproved nothing -- Bush's "sixteen words" said that Iraq tried to purchase uranium, Wilson said that Iraq didn't actually purchase any, and what evidence he did gather from his trip was taken by the CIA as bolstering the claim the Iraq attempted to purchase uranium. As such, there was no effort (and no need, for that matter) to "punish" Wilson. Further, as his wife used her CIA position to get Wilson the assignment, you have a case of a CIA employee trying to undermine administration policy, which strikes me as at least as big a story as Wilsons charges, given that the one story is true and the other is not.

Also, I'm getting really tired of the media not mentioning that Wilson has been entirely discredited, including by the Senate Intelligence Committee. They tend to take his claims at face value (including the above claim which I pointed out several errors from). Just another reason to be skeptical of things you hear from the mainstream media.


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