Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Saturday, October 15, 2005


Poor reporting regarding the Plame affair continues, especially that regarding Karl Rove. Here's an excerpt: "It was likely Rove’s final chance to convince grand jurors he did nothing criminal in the leak case. Prosecutors have warned the architect of President Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign that there is no guarantee he will not be indicted." First, the first sentence presupposes that Rove is a target of the grand juror -- something which the prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald has said he is not. As to not guaranteeing that he'd not be indicted, that's actually standard fair when someone voluntarily testifies like Rove did. People not under arrest will even be read their Miranda rights. This shows more about the ignorance of the press (in something that they're supposed to be covering -- something which many of those reporting are supposed to be staff "experts" on) than it shows anything negative about Karl Rove.

While I'm on the topic of poor reporting, the BBC reported "Shenzhou VI [the manned orbiter that China recently launched] is in a low enough orbit to be affected by the Earth's gravitational pull." Hmm, a low enough orbit to be affected by gravity, you say? How amazing ... (hopefully most of you out there see my issue with that statement; the BBC seems to have corrected it here (though it now says "the craft had deviated from its planned trajectory because of the Earth's gravitational pull," which reflects poorly on either the writer or the Chinese scientists -- or both), but the Forbes website still has the offending sentence here).


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