Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

I'm too lazy to type anything about me. Read my blog and I'm sure you'll eventually learn a few things.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Basic Bookkeeping Update of Little Interest

First, I've discovered that I can post from work (or, perhaps more accurately, re-discovered). I'm not really sure I'm supposed to be doing so, but it appears that I can.

Second, I've switched to Blogger Beta. What all this entails, I'm not exactly sure. I know it allows labels for posts, which, assuming they work like livejournal, should allow you to click the label and then see all posts with that label. Pretty spiffy. It's even possible that I'll go back and retro-label old posts, assuming I don't decide to do something better (or, well, different) with my free time.



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