Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Simpsons Top 100 Countdown

#93 The Bart Wants What It Wants
Season 13, Episode 11 (guide from the Simpsons Archive)
The Simpsons go to a carnival at a classy private school, where Bart saves a girl from the school's wussy bullies. The girl turns out to be Ranier Wolfcastle's daughter, and she develops quite the crush on Bart, who is completely oblivious to it. After Lisa points it out to him, he decides to break up with her, but then becomes jealous when he discovers that she's dating Milhouse. She goes to Toronto for the filming of her dad's next movie, and Bart gets the Simpson family to follow them to America, Jr. She rejects Bart's advance, but dumps Milhouse also. The boys find concolation by joining Canada's Olympic basketball team. Memorable moments include Wolfcastle's SUV, "Laughing time is over", various other Wolfcastle moments, the Canada-bashing, the curling match (probably part of the Canada-bashing), and assorted carnival moments.



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