Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Posting on a Thursday Afternoon

If you thought that the courts were aiding Islamic terrorists in this country, take a look at what's happening across the pond. The "anti-terrorism" court decided that a couple of terrorist suspects could not be deported, were unlikely to receive a fair trial in Britain, and should be released on bail. Makes you wonder what a pro-terrorism court would have ruled.

Compact fluorescent lightbulbs are not quite the saviors they're heralded as
. Especially if you drop one and have to spend $2,000 cleaning up the mercury spill. Despite these risks, several groups have succeeded in banning the incandescent lightbulb in favor of the CFL in a few jurisdictions (as I recall, Australia, Ontario, and, at the least, an effort was underway in California). It's illegal in several jurisdictions to throw out CFL's with your normal trash due to the mercury contained in them.

Mark Krikorian sums up the mess that is the Episcopalian Church
better than I ever could, shortly and succinctly. He makes mention of disgraced, scandal-plagued former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey's interest in attending seminary, but I'd also like to point out that McGreevey, who cheated on his wife with a man and nominated that man to an important homeland security position despite his utter lack of qualifications (aside from any other typical New Jersey corruption he may have participated in), is now teaching a college course on business ethics. (Sorry, lost the link.)

I previously linked to the Fred Thompson facts on IMAO (in the style of the Chuck Norris facts, which were previously coopted by Jack Bauer). Frank J. has seen fit to continue dispensing facts about Thompson on a more-or-less daily basis over the last month. Good stuff.

Lots of old predictions about what the future (now the past) would look like are on the paleo-future blog, such as this one.

A much improved version of Battlefield Earth has been made.

In California, a student was suspended and a teacher was transfered after the student urinated in a bottle during class when the teacher would not excuse him to go to the bathroom. I have a feeling that there's something lacking in the news write-up of the story.

Someone alert Rosie O'Donnel that fire has once again melted steel when a tanker fire lead to the collapse of a portion of a highway interchange in the San Francisco Bay area. Maybe she can announce on The View how George W. Bush was behind some sort of plan to demolish the bridge and blame it on a tanker fire as part of his scheme to lie us into war with Iran. I'll be eagerly awaiting her comments.

Alasdair Murray has an article in New Statesman on efforts to raise the birth rate in Europe. He sees fit to call the banning of abortion "dishonourable" and "authoritarian" for some reason.

The London Times has an article on Martian climate change. Most interesting is the reader comments below the story. The article states "Since there is no known life on Mars it suggests rapid changes in planetary climates could be natural phenomena." They're a lot more careful about assigning blame for Martian climate change to natural phenomena than they are about assigning Earth climate change to man. Perhaps they're still testing that man-made heat on Earth is radiating outwards, warming Mars and the other planets in our solar system. More details as they develop. Other qualms about the writing: the opening sentence states that the speed of the climate change could melt the ice cap, rather than the degree of change, and the use of "Nasa" instead of "NASA".

Pitcher J.D. Durbin somehow managed to go from the Twins to the Diamondbacks to the Red Sox to the Phillies all in a sixteen day period. That's gotta be some kind of record.

A public service announcement about another pitcher, Dave Bush: his BABIP against going into tonight's game against the Pirates is .419. For what can be expected of his future performance see: mean, regression to the.


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