Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Saturday, June 25, 2005

More on Durbin and Guantanomo

Rasmussen recently released the results of a poll that show what a loser this issue is for Democrats. Only 20% of Americans think that the prisoners are being treated unfairly, whereas 36% say they're being treated "better than they deserve" and 34% think the treatment is "about right". Even among self-identified Democrats, only 30% think the treatment is too harsh, and 28% say they're being treated better than they deserve -- that's a statistically insignificant difference. The issue isn't even much of a winner among Democrats. Of course, those who think its too harsh are more the grassroots of the party, so it could get them acting, but, overall, it alienates too many potential voters.

Man, I love it when we can just sit back and watch the Democrats destroy themselves.


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