Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

I'm too lazy to type anything about me. Read my blog and I'm sure you'll eventually learn a few things.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Where did all of these hits come from?

I pretty much left my blog alone after my last post, and when I went to check out my site stats today, I noticed a large increase (percentage-wise, at least) in the number of hits I'd received. I did some checking, and apparently it was a convergence of several factors:
1. All my regulars were checking in.
2. The Mike Huckabee President 2008 blog picked up this post and linked to it (thanks for the link, I only wish I'd spent a little more time writing that post to make it flow more smoothly).
3. Several hits from people searching for Mike Huckabee, Dick Durbin, and Guantanomo Bay.
4. I also picked up a link from Patrick Ruffini, to that same post in #2 (though not as many people getting it through there).
5. I apparently came up a lot when people clicked the "next blog" button in the top right corner of all blogspot blogs. I don't really know why people would want to click that, but they apparently do. I guess it was a Saturday and they were bored. Interestingly, one of them had clicked it from a flaming lefty page. That had to be good.

Saturday was my highest readership ever, so I say go me. Now if I could only get to 100 in one day ...

That's enough with the self-absorbed commenting, back to the normal stuff.

One last note: blogspot, blog, and blogs were unknown words for the blogger spellchecker. I find that a tad odd.


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