Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Lincoln's Birthday and Other Meanderings

Happy Lincoln's Birthday. You can celebrate by dividing houses against themselves and watching them fall over. Lincoln was born in 1809; in 1909, his likeness was put on the one cent piece (the first time the likeness of a real person was used on a circulating coin produced by the United States; previous coins included generic indians and personifications of Liberty), and in 1959, the Lincoln Memorial was placed on the reverse of the one cent piece. No word yet on official plans for any sort of redesign in 2009.


The latest IPCC summary report has been released, well before the actual report itself, in a move useful for propaganda by doomsayers everywhere. The London Times ran a piece critical of the orthodoxy for ignoring the role of the sun in climate change. Other pieces have been written by Melanie Phillips and the Weekly Standard, among others. On a more interesting, but also older, note, Ronald Bailey of Reason testified before Congress in 2004 about how amazingly wrong environmental doomsayers have been in the past.


Little Green Footballs has posted a video from Penn and Teller's show that tackles many myths about recycling. Although P&T can be family-friendly (they did appear on the Muppets, after all), this is them uncensored, and, as such, filled with expletives, so be warned.


It seems Google-owned YouTube is fine with bashing Christians, but bashing Muslims is out of line. This is par for the course from Google, and it's part of the reason I've switched over to for my search engine needs. I'll admit that it's not quite as good as google, but I much prefer where the money goes.


You can come up with these ones all the time, but Debra Saunders has a piece on conservative students running afoul of the administration at SFSU after stomping on Hamas and Hezbollah flags.


From the always-reliable Onion:
Thousands Lose Jobs As Michigan Unemployment Offices Close.


That's all for now. In the near future, I intend to revisit potential and actual candidates for the 2008 presidential election. I was going to do it sooner, but various potential candidates kept announcing their intentions to run or not, so it seemed best to wait before updating my lists.


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