Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I'm getting annoyed with all the Bonds talk lately. Essentially, they're trying to turn the whole steroid scandal into a Barry Bonds scandal. I say that, for instance, if they're some of the people in favor of banning Bonds, or suspending him for the season, or whatever, they should either come out and advocate for a full witch-hunt that deals with all the former steroid users equally, or they should just leave Bonds alone. Now, I don't condone what Bonds did, but I think that everyone who used steroids, or HGH, or whatever, should get the same treatment. Either trash them all or essentially leave them all be.

In other Bonds news, he's off to a monster start at the plate in spring training. Through today's game he's seven for nine, with three homers and a double. Even more amazingly, he had a sacrifice bunt in yesterday's game. I would have been less shocked if he stole a base on his bad knee(s) than I was at news that he laid down a bunt. A pretty good one, too, from news reports.



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