Location: Metro Phoenix, Arizona, United States

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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Simpsons Top 100 Countdown

#81 Home Sweet Home-Diddly-Dum-Doodly
Season 7, Episode 4 (Guide from the Simpsons Archive)
While the kids are at school, Homer and Marge go away to a spa place for the day. However, while at school, Bart and Lisa have a series on incidents which lead Principal Skinner to call CPS. They investigate the Simpson residence, find no parents, senile Grandpa, Maggie drinking water out of a dog dish, and a stack of old newspapers Marge had acquired for Lisa. They take the Simpson kids away to live in a foster home, which just happens to be the Flanderses. Bart and Lisa think it’s a lot like their house, but with a creepy Pat Boone-ish quality, and they worry that Maggie is getting more attached to the Flanders family than the Simpson family. Meanwhile, Homer and Marge are forced to go to a parenting class, which is humiliating for Marge but informative for Homer. They pass the class, but when they go to retrieve their kids, they find that Flanders has gone to baptize them. Homer manages to intervene, but he has to take a baptismal for Bart. Everything is, once again, back to normal for the Simpsons. Memorable moments include turning the tape over, head lice, raspberry jam, the parts cut from syndication (hurray for getting the new dvd set!) – “my only son!”, stupid baby, daddily-doodily, parenting class, Marge high on LSD, and the feeling Homer gets from the baptismal.



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